Councillor Remuneration
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Councillors are entitled to receive a salary in return for the commitment and contribution they make to the local community.
All councillors receive a basic salary. In 2021/22 it is £14,368. Councillors are also entitled to travel allowances. You can also claim your salary whilst taking family absence such as parental leave. Re-imbursement for the costs of care incurred whilst undertaking your duties as a councillor can also be claimed.
Those councillors who undertake additional responsibilities such as being a cabinet member, committee chair or leader of their political group will receive an additional payment. This is called a senior salary and is calculated based on the size of the council. Councillors do not set their own salaries; the framework for councillors' salaries is set by a body called the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW). Further information on the IRPW is available here.
Final salaries for the 2022/23 year of Council will be finalised around February 2022. The IPRW have published their draft report which proposes the basic salary for Councillors increases to £16,800.
Councillors also have access to the local government pension scheme.